How To Increase Instagram Followers Faster In 30 Days

Hello and welcome to Ajanabha! Do you want to know how to increase Instagram followers? In this article, you are going to learn real ways to increase Instagram followers that stay forever. If you search the Internet you will get many ideas to increase Instagram followers but most of them are fake or spam.

Friends as we know Instagram is the most popular social media app that has become popular worldwide. Its popularity has gone beyond any other social networking app. If you have huge Instagram followers, you can easily brand yourself and sell your services and products online. You can also send traffic to your YouTube channel if you have good Instagram followers.

Having real Instagram followers is a must for everyone who wants to grow online, real Instagram followers are active followers who like and react to your new posts. They get involved with your activities and give your posts a real boost.

Optimize Instagram Account

To grow on Instagram you must learn to optimize your Instagram profile. Add your profile picture with your bio and website link, this will improve your profile look and your followers will be able to know you better.

Post On Regular Basis

The second most important step to grow followers is posting on regular basis. You need to be very careful about which time to post. According to my, if posted on Instagram at 8 am and 5 pm, then more and more Engagement can be received and more and more Likes and Comments can be found on the post. Some of the popular tools to schedule the posts on Instagram are Buffer, PromoRepublic, Hootsuite, Social Pilot, and Co-Schedule that save your precious time.

Use Hashtag

You must know the importance of hashtags “#” on the internet. Whenever we put a #tag with the right keyword, our posts reach relevant people who are most likely to show interest in the post. Such posts get more visitors to your profile that increases the chance of getting new followers easily. In this way, it is the best way to increase Instagram Followers.

Never use a meaning-less hashtag instead use those hashtags people are likely to search. Whenever we like or comment on other posts on Instagram or any Social Networking website we get attention from others. An active Instagram profile is more likely to get attention from other users and rank higher in Instagram search results and the same way it is most likely to be followed by whom we follow because people love to get connected with other people. Same way if you comment on someone’s post, you are most likely to get their comment on your posts.

Set Location

Another most important tips to grow on Instagram is, whenever you post on Instagram, set the location. With this, Instagram sends its post to all the active Instagram users of that location and this increases the Like and Engagement very fast and You are most likely to grow.

Follow Trend & Viral Topics

If you want to Boost Instagram Follower Rapidly, then comment, like & post on all such topics which are in the trend and are viral, viral topics are most likely to trend in search engines and social media. So your profile may be seen by millions of followers and there are chances to get new followers from such posts. Start discovering new trending and viral topics to get engaged with other users. This will give your profile a boost in search results.

Post Stories And Go Instagram Live On Regular Basis

You must have heard about the Instagram Stories feature. In this, we can post any photo or small video clip. Which automatically expire after 24 hours. The advantage of putting stories is that your followers keep getting updates about you. Apart from this, your stories also go to those people who do not follow you. While posting stories, be sure to use location and hashtag in it so your storyline reach will increase.

Ask your YouTube subscribers to follow you on Instagram

This method works like a magic if you have good subscribers on YouTube. Simply asking your viewers to follow you on Instagram can make a big difference as your YouTube subscribers are more likely to follow you on Instagram. If your YouTube channel is new then you can read this article on how to increase YouTube views.

Go Live on Facebook

If you are active on Facebook you can go live and ask your FB friends to follow you on Facebook. The same thing you can do with famenest social media site that is a new but very powerful site to increase followers.

These are some real ways to increase Instagram followers free. I hope this article will help you become popular on Instagram. Please subscribe to our newsletter to receive our new posts directly to your inbox.

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