Do you know what is OK Full Form? In this article I will tell you all about it.
Hi! is everything OK? I hope you listen to this sentence multiple times in a day, right? Have you ever tried to know what is the full form of ok? You may be thinking that this is a short form of OKAY. So my dear friend let me tell you that there is a long time history associated with the OK word.
In this article, I will tell you the full form of OK along with some interesting facts about it like its origin, uses, and history. I will also tell you the uses of OK and its various full form history. There are many theories about the OK word but I am going to tell you the most accurate theory about it.
What is OK full Form In English
So the full form of OK is “Oll Korrect” which is a misspelling of “All Correct”. People use the OK word to denote acceptance, agreement, and acknowledgment. According to some popular websites OK is the second most used word in the world after HELLO. Though it’s an English word, it is widely used in many other languages all around the world.
Ok is widely used in communications, news, books, and offices in many ways, most people use it to show acceptance. There is a big question about the origin of the OK word as there are many theories about it. One of the most popular theories says that it was first written in a Boston morning post by a Boston editor named Charles Gordon Greene.
What is the origin of OK
Charles Gordon Greene the editor of Boston Morning Post attempted to make fun of the Providence Journal by using O.K word at the end of the article. His joke was so popular that instead of trying to know the fact, this word got listed in American popular vocabulary. This word was then published again after a few days and after that many newspapers started using it in their posts.
Now OK is used in almost all languages of the world. This word has become the most frequently spoken word in our daily life as well as in media, news, offices according to Wikipedia. So it’s time to say it’s ok because the whole world has accepted this word as a synonym of acceptance.

Other full form of OK word
- All Correct
- Okay
- Objection Killed
- All clear
- O.K
- kkkkkkk
- k
How ok is used in daily life
- I am OK now.
- Are you OK?
- It’s OK.
- Everything is OK.
- I am OK with it.
There are hundreds of times we use ok in our life so its hard to explain the uses of this word. Mostly this word repeats every 4-5 minutes when we communicate on some topic or when two people discuss something.
Emoji for OK
There are many emoji used for OK and some of them are given below.

If you use OK very frequently it’s time to change this habit as OK is a very commonly used word so sometimes it has no feeling of sympathy or respect that a sentence deserves or demands, see the example below.
Papa: Aniket! will you get me these medicines from the medical store?
Aniket: ( Instead of saying OK ) : Yes Dad ! I will be glad to do that 🙂
This sounds more meaningful, formal, polite, and precise instead of just saying OK. I hope this article has given you a clear idea about the OK full form and its history. If you have any questions, please ask me in the comment and I will be happy to help you. To learn Please subscribe to our newsletter to receive regular updates from us! Thank you for reading this article, have a great time!
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